Data license: Open Database License (ODbL)
923 rows
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Suggested facets: internetConnectionIsAvailable, weather_currently_lowtempf, weather_currently_text, internet_timeRemaining, metaData_properties_MileagePlusId, weather_forecast, IsLoggedIn, isPortalInitialized, weather_currently_code, flifo_estimatedArrivalTime, metaData_tags, metaData_properties_IsDeviceHasActiveTimedProductOfSameAccessPlan, metaData_properties_TransactionId, weather_currently_hightempf, metaData_properties_Channel, devicePlatform, flifo_estimatedArrivalTimeLocal, weather_currently_currtempc, flifo_flightStatus, weather_currently_currtempf, deviceCAS, weather_currently_hightempc, metaData_properties_IpAddress, internet_tierDescription, weather_currently_lowtempc, internet_fulfilmentState, metaData_properties_UserAgent, internet_accessType
Link | rowid ▼ | internet_tier | flifo_scheduledArrivalTimeLocal | host | flifo_isFake | flifo_flightDurationMinutes | flifo_actualDepartureTimeLocal | internetConnectionIsAvailable | flifo_departureGate | weather_currently_lowtempf | flifo_destinationAirportCode | weather_currently_day | flifo_arrivalConcourse | flifo_aircraftModel | flifo_windDirection | weather_currently_text | internet_timeRemaining | flifo_arrivalTerminal | metaData_properties_MileagePlusId | flifo_scheduledArrivalTime | weather_forecast | flifo_altitudeFt | flifo_originState | IsLoggedIn | flifo_flightNumber | isPortalInitialized | flifo_flightGuid | ShowCoverageArea | weather_currently_code | metaData_properties_version | isSubscriptionAvailable | internet_orderState | flifo_airSpeedMPH | flifo_estimatedArrivalTime | flifo_airSpeedKPH | metaData_tags | PurchaseActive | flifo_airTemperatureC | flifo_arrivalGate | metaData_properties_IsDeviceHasActiveTimedProductOfSameAccessPlan | metaData_properties_TransactionId | flifo_equipmentCode | weather_currently_hightempf | metaData_properties_Channel | metaData_properties_FramedIp | metaData_properties_Mac | devicePlatform | flifo_actualDepartureTime | flifo_estimatedArrivalTimeLocal | flifo_scheduledDepartureTimeLocal | weather_currently_currtempc | flifo_flightStatus | flifo_tailNumber | flifo_originAirportCode | CoverageMessage | weather_currently_currtempf | deviceCAS | flifo_estimatedDepartureTimeLocal | flifo_actualArrivalTimeLocal | flifo_originCity | flifo_groundSpeedKPH | isPDEServiceAvailable | weather_currently_hightempc | flightOffersInternetService | flifo_altitudeMeters | metaData_properties_vendorName | flifo_timeRemainingToDestination | VendorName | metaData_properties_IpAddress | metaData_properties_Content-Type | internet_tierDescription | weather_currently_lowtempc | internet_fulfilmentState | flifo_departureConcourse | metaData_properties_UserAgent | flifo_destinationCity | flifo_noseNumber | metaData_properties_vendor | flifo_destinationState | flifo_flightMapPath | internet_accessType | flifo_groundSpeedMPH | flifo_departureTerminal | VendorCode | version | flifo_airTemperatureF | flifo_scheduledDepartureTime |
1 | 1 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 9711 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 455 | True | 26 | True | 2959 | Viasat | 195 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696277977 | NONE | 283 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
2 | 2 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 10233 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 455 | True | 26 | True | 3119 | Viasat | 195 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696277992 | NONE | 283 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
3 | 3 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 11063 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 469 | True | 26 | True | 3372 | Viasat | 193 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278007 | NONE | 292 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
4 | 4 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 11242 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 490 | True | 26 | True | 3426 | Viasat | 192 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278022 | NONE | 305 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
5 | 5 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 11644 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 526 | True | 26 | True | 3549 | Viasat | 192 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278038 | NONE | 327 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
6 | 6 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 11828 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 543 | True | 26 | True | 3605 | Viasat | 192 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278053 | NONE | 338 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
7 | 7 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 12212 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 577 | True | 26 | True | 3722 | Viasat | 192 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278068 | NONE | 359 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
8 | 8 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 12483 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 589 | True | 26 | True | 3804 | Viasat | 191 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278083 | NONE | 366 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
9 | 9 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 13354 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 590 | True | 26 | True | 4070 | Viasat | 191 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278099 | NONE | 367 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
10 | 10 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 13762 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 595 | True | 26 | True | 4194 | Viasat | 191 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278114 | NONE | 370 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
11 | 11 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 14521 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 606 | True | 26 | True | 4426 | Viasat | 191 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278129 | NONE | 377 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
12 | 12 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 79 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 15009 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 79 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 26 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 606 | True | 26 | True | 4574 | Viasat | 190 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 26 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278144 | NONE | 377 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
13 | 13 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 15882 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 608 | True | 27 | True | 4840 | Viasat | 190 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278159 | NONE | 378 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
14 | 14 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 16276 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 611 | True | 27 | True | 4960 | Viasat | 190 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278175 | NONE | 380 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
15 | 15 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 17024 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 617 | True | 27 | True | 5188 | Viasat | 190 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278190 | NONE | 384 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
16 | 16 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 17372 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 622 | True | 27 | True | 5294 | Viasat | 189 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278205 | NONE | 387 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
17 | 17 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 18015 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 632 | True | 27 | True | 5490 | Viasat | 190 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278220 | NONE | 393 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
18 | 18 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 18369 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 637 | True | 27 | True | 5598 | Viasat | 189 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278235 | NONE | 396 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
19 | 19 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 19061 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 646 | True | 27 | True | 5809 | Viasat | 189 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278251 | NONE | 402 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
20 | 20 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 19380 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 651 | True | 27 | True | 5907 | Viasat | 188 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278266 | NONE | 405 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
21 | 21 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 20052 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 655 | True | 27 | True | 6111 | Viasat | 188 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278281 | NONE | 407 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
22 | 22 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 20401 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 658 | True | 27 | True | 6218 | Viasat | 188 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278296 | NONE | 409 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
23 | 23 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 21070 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 663 | True | 27 | True | 6422 | Viasat | 188 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278312 | NONE | 412 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
24 | 24 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 22044 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 671 | True | 27 | True | 6719 | Viasat | 187 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278327 | NONE | 417 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
25 | 25 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 22370 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 672 | True | 27 | True | 6818 | Viasat | 187 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278342 | NONE | 418 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
26 | 26 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 22959 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 679 | True | 27 | True | 6997 | Viasat | 187 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278358 | NONE | 422 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
27 | 27 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 23263 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 682 | True | 27 | True | 7090 | Viasat | 186 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278373 | NONE | 424 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
28 | 28 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 23833 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 688 | True | 27 | True | 7264 | Viasat | 186 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278388 | NONE | 428 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
29 | 29 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 24091 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 692 | True | 27 | True | 7342 | Viasat | 186 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278404 | NONE | 430 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
30 | 30 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 24702 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 695 | True | 27 | True | 7529 | Viasat | 187 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278419 | NONE | 432 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
31 | 31 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 25036 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 693 | True | 27 | True | 7630 | Viasat | 185 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278434 | NONE | 431 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
32 | 32 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 25727 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 692 | True | 27 | True | 7841 | Viasat | 185 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278449 | NONE | 430 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
33 | 33 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 25992 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 693 | True | 27 | True | 7922 | Viasat | 185 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278464 | NONE | 431 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
34 | 34 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 26454 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 700 | True | 27 | True | 8063 | Viasat | 185 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278480 | NONE | 435 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
35 | 35 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 26666 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 703 | True | 27 | True | 8127 | Viasat | 184 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278495 | NONE | 437 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
36 | 36 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 27039 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 8241 | Viasat | 184 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278510 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
37 | 37 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 27414 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 720 | True | 27 | True | 8355 | Viasat | 184 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278525 | NONE | 448 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
38 | 38 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 27596 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 724 | True | 27 | True | 8411 | Viasat | 184 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278541 | NONE | 450 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
39 | 39 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 27965 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 733 | True | 27 | True | 8523 | Viasat | 183 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278556 | NONE | 456 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
40 | 40 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 28160 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 737 | True | 27 | True | 8583 | Viasat | 183 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278572 | NONE | 458 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
41 | 41 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 28574 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 741 | True | 27 | True | 8709 | Viasat | 183 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278587 | NONE | 461 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
42 | 42 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 28784 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 741 | True | 27 | True | 8773 | Viasat | 183 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278602 | NONE | 461 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
43 | 43 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 29187 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 746 | True | 27 | True | 8896 | Viasat | 182 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278618 | NONE | 464 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
44 | 44 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 29380 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 748 | True | 27 | True | 8955 | Viasat | 182 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278633 | NONE | 465 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
45 | 45 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 29736 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 753 | True | 27 | True | 9063 | Viasat | 182 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278648 | NONE | 468 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
46 | 46 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 29906 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 756 | True | 27 | True | 9115 | Viasat | 182 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278663 | NONE | 470 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
47 | 47 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 30322 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 757 | True | 27 | True | 9242 | Viasat | 181 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278679 | NONE | 471 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
48 | 48 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 30554 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 757 | True | 27 | True | 9312 | Viasat | 181 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278694 | NONE | 471 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
49 | 49 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 31049 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 756 | True | 27 | True | 9463 | Viasat | 181 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278709 | NONE | 470 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
50 | 50 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 31314 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 753 | True | 27 | True | 9544 | Viasat | 181 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278724 | NONE | 468 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
51 | 51 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 31828 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 749 | True | 27 | True | 9701 | Viasat | 180 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278740 | NONE | 466 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
52 | 52 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 32077 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 748 | True | 27 | True | 9777 | Viasat | 180 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278755 | NONE | 465 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
53 | 53 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 32531 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 746 | True | 27 | True | 9915 | Viasat | 180 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278770 | NONE | 464 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
54 | 54 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 32743 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 746 | True | 27 | True | 9980 | Viasat | 180 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278785 | NONE | 464 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
55 | 55 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 33165 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 745 | True | 27 | True | 10108 | Viasat | 179 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278800 | NONE | 463 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
56 | 56 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 33375 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 745 | True | 27 | True | 10172 | Viasat | 179 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278816 | NONE | 463 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
57 | 57 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 33806 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 741 | True | 27 | True | 10304 | Viasat | 179 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278831 | NONE | 461 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
58 | 58 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 34043 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 740 | True | 27 | True | 10376 | Viasat | 179 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278846 | NONE | 460 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
59 | 59 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 34546 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 733 | True | 27 | True | 10529 | Viasat | 178 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278861 | NONE | 456 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
60 | 60 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 34784 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 730 | True | 27 | True | 10602 | Viasat | 178 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278877 | NONE | 454 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
61 | 61 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35225 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 727 | True | 27 | True | 10736 | Viasat | 178 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278892 | NONE | 452 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
62 | 62 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35419 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 725 | True | 27 | True | 10795 | Viasat | 178 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278907 | NONE | 451 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
63 | 63 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35585 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 725 | True | 27 | True | 10846 | Viasat | 177 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278922 | NONE | 451 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
64 | 64 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35584 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 725 | True | 27 | True | 10846 | Viasat | 177 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278937 | NONE | 451 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
65 | 65 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35579 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 724 | True | 27 | True | 10844 | Viasat | 177 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278953 | NONE | 450 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
66 | 66 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35578 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 724 | True | 27 | True | 10844 | Viasat | 177 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278968 | NONE | 450 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
67 | 67 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35575 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 720 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 176 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278983 | NONE | 448 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
68 | 68 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35575 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 720 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 176 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696278998 | NONE | 448 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
69 | 69 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35581 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 719 | True | 27 | True | 10845 | Viasat | 176 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279014 | NONE | 447 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
70 | 70 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35582 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10845 | Viasat | 176 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279029 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
71 | 71 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35582 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 716 | True | 27 | True | 10845 | Viasat | 175 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279044 | NONE | 445 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
72 | 72 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35580 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 716 | True | 27 | True | 10844 | Viasat | 175 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279059 | NONE | 445 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
73 | 73 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35578 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10844 | Viasat | 175 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279074 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
74 | 74 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35576 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 175 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279090 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
75 | 75 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35574 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10842 | Viasat | 174 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279105 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
76 | 76 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35576 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 174 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279120 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
77 | 77 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35573 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10842 | Viasat | 174 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279136 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
78 | 78 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35576 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 711 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 174 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279151 | NONE | 442 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
79 | 79 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35573 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 711 | True | 27 | True | 10842 | Viasat | 173 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279166 | NONE | 442 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
80 | 80 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35576 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 711 | True | 27 | True | 10843 | Viasat | 173 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279182 | NONE | 442 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
81 | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35572 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10842 | Viasat | 173 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279197 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
82 | 82 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35567 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 173 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279213 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
83 | 83 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35564 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 712 | True | 27 | True | 10839 | Viasat | 172 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279228 | NONE | 443 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
84 | 84 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35565 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 172 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279243 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
85 | 85 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35565 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 172 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279259 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
86 | 86 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35566 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 172 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279274 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
87 | 87 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35569 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 714 | True | 27 | True | 10841 | Viasat | 171 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279289 | NONE | 444 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
88 | 88 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35565 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 716 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 171 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279305 | NONE | 445 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
89 | 89 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35566 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 716 | True | 27 | True | 10840 | Viasat | 171 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279320 | NONE | 445 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
90 | 90 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35563 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 716 | True | 27 | True | 10839 | Viasat | 171 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279335 | NONE | 445 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
91 | 91 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35562 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10839 | Viasat | 170 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279350 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
92 | 92 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35561 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10838 | Viasat | 170 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279365 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
93 | 93 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35557 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10837 | Viasat | 170 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279381 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
94 | 94 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35555 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10837 | Viasat | 170 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279396 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
95 | 95 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35553 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10836 | Viasat | 169 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279411 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
96 | 96 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35556 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10837 | Viasat | 169 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279426 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
97 | 97 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35556 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10837 | Viasat | 169 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279442 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
98 | 98 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35555 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10837 | Viasat | 169 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279457 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
99 | 99 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35552 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10836 | Viasat | 168 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279467 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. | |||||||||||||||
100 | 100 | 02 Oct 2023 6:06 PM | www.unitedwifi.com | False | 237 | 02 Oct 2023 4:03 PM | True | D13 | 81 | DEN | Mon | Boeing 737-800SFP | NA | Partly Cloudy | 0 | Concourse A | 6:06 p.m. | [{'code': 30, 'day': 'Tue', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Wed', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 70, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Thu', 'hightempc': 19, 'hightempf': 66, 'lowtempc': 4, 'lowtempf': 39, 'text': 'Sunny'}, {'code': 30, 'day': 'Fri', 'hightempc': 17, 'hightempf': 62, 'lowtempc': 2, 'lowtempf': 36, 'text': 'Partly Cloudy'}, {'code': 32, 'day': 'Sat', 'hightempc': 21, 'hightempf': 71, 'lowtempc': 6, 'lowtempf': 42, 'text': 'Sunny'}, 'lastitem'] | 35551 | False | 393 | True | fec84b85-9319-5ce4-ed84-61466561a1db | False | 30 | 3.6.1 | True | ACTIVE | 0 | 5:43 p.m. | 0 | False | 28 | A22 | 73Q | 81 | Other | 4:03 p.m. | 02 Oct 2023 5:43 PM | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 27 | In Flight - Estimated to Arrive 23 Minutes Early | N76519 | BWI | 81 | 02 Oct 2023 4:09 PM | 01 Jan 0001 12:00 AM | Baltimore, MD, US (BWI) | 717 | True | 27 | True | 10835 | Viasat | 168 | Viasat | | Protobuf | 27 | NONE | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | Denver, CO, US (DEN) | 3519 | VIASAT | /portal/images/map/TabletLandscape.png?1696279482 | NONE | 446 | Concourse D | VIASAT | 3.6.1 | 82 | 4:09 p.m. |
Advanced export
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